Monday, June 9, 2014

Clean Your Carpet Naturally

The carpet stain removers you can buy today are petroleum-based solvents that may have chlorine and other caustic substances in them which can be harmful to your children and pets. What you may not realize is that many of your carpet stains can be cleaned with all natural substances like vinegar and water.

American Cleaning & Restoration offers the following list of tips on cleaning those small stains quickly yourself:

Crayons and Glue

There is no doubt that you will find crayon, glue, or gum on your carpet at some point while raising children and you can't always afford to have a professional carpet cleaning service when you find it. Take a toothbrush, dip it in vinegar, then scrub the area. For glue, you will need to mix vinegar with water, heat it up, and use the same process of scrubbing with a toothbrush. For a stubborn stain, you may need to let it sit for 15 minutes before scrubbing.


This could happen with the handy husband just as easy as it can with one of the kids. Sprinkle a small amount of cornmeal and let it sit for 5 minutes then vacuum up. Next use the vinegar and water solution described above and sponge the area with the solution.

Chocolate, Coffee, and Cola

With the kids home this summer, you are going to have the spills! A solution of vinegar and water will clean those stains quick and easy. Mix 1 cup vinegar with 2 cups water in a spray bottle. Spray on the area, lightly brush with a toothbrush then blot dry with a clean towel. Just plain water won’t remove coffee or tea spills and dried stains, so it’s best to go back to the vinegar and water process.


When there are liquid spills that are allowed to just sit, mold grows. By mixing a ratio of 1 to 1 vinegar and water, treat the area needed and allow to dry. It’s best if you can put the carpet outside to dry. If not, use a hairdryer.

Red Wine

This may be one of the easiest stains to clean! Sprinkle salt on the spot and hold a towel over the area for 15 minutes then vacuum. If there is any residue, mix up a 1 to 1 ratio of vinegar and water, apply and blot with a dry towel.

Once you have got the summer settled down, call a professional carpet cleaning company to do your whole house. Make sure you point out troubled areas and let them know what treatments you used when cleaning the spots.

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