Friday, September 4, 2015

How to Clean Your Tile Floors Before Your Next Professional Cleaning

Cleaning your tile floors doesn’t have to take all day folks. Nor do you have to have a professional in every time you want them sparkling clean (although we wouldn’t mind coming once a week for you!). So, we are going to share some easy tips to do yourself:

1: Groutbrush

The biggest things that can make tile floors look dirty are the grout lines. When you do just a basic mopping, you aren’t getting down in there where the dirt and grime build up.  Purchase a groutbrush at any big box home store and with a cleaner made for grout, get those grout lines clean! It goes quicker than you may think.

2: Sweep

Before you mop your tile floor, always sweep first. If you don’t, the dirt and grim just get pushed off in those grout lines and packed down.

3: Water

After you mop your tile floors, soak up any excess water so that it doesn’t soak into the grout lines. This will make them look dirty and dull which will make your whole floor look dirty and dull.

4: Bedtime

When you clean your tile floors, make it the last thing you do just before you got to bed. This allows them to dry without foot traffic tracking across them. This is especially so if you have kids or pets in the house.

This is what you can do every day, weekly or as needed depending on the traffic in your house. Once a month to every three months, call a professional to do a deep steam cleaning and keep those tile floors looking great.

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