Well accidents happen and all is not a catastrophe. The process of how to get that paint stain up will depend on a few things:
- Type of paint
- Color of paint
- How long it has been there
- Type of carpet
So, let’s take a look at a few different solutions and see which one best fits your situation:
Any and All Paint
No matter any of the 4 things we listed above, any and all types of paint spills, you need to act fast! Letting is sit will make a permanent part of your carpeting. So, stop the spill from spreading and surround it with cloths or paper towels to absorb it and blot as much as possible of the paint. DO NOT RUB! Before you begin in with harsh chemicals or cleaning solutions, you need to do a test patch on the carpet where it can’t be seen. If a little bit of the paint does dry in the meantime, you can trim that out with a razor blade or scissors.
Apply liberal amounts of glycerin to the paint stain and then blot. The leftover residue can be removed with rubbing alcohol and then you should go over what is left of the stain using a clean sponge with a mild detergent and clear water. Then vacuum the spot dry.
Acting quick is the only option here since oil based paints will permanently stain when left too long. You are going to need mineral oil or turpentine to remove this paint stain from your carpet. But if has already dried, turpentine is your best bet. Apply the turpentine to paint stain then with paper towels blot it up. Next, using rubbing alcohol, blot the area to remove any chemical residue that may be left behind. Then using a mild detergent with clear water, and a clean sponge, clean what is left.
After blotting up as much as possible, mix a teaspoon of neutral detergent with 1 cup of warm water for a cleaning solution. Now, apply this mixture to the stain and again blot as much as possible. Keep repeating the method until you have removed the stain.
After blotting as much paint as you can, keep blotting while pouring water or vinegar on the spot. When you have blotted as much up as possible, add a mild detergent while blotting and rinse with water. Be careful not to add too much water and spread the paint.
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