Friday, December 19, 2014

Things to Know About New Carpet

Buying new carpet is an intense thing to go through. It’s one of the most expensive additional investments you'll do to an already expensive investment, your home. You want to choose the right color, the right fiber and select a construction of carpet that will bode well with your home's traffic.

However, when the big day comes to have it installed, there are some issues American Cleaning & Restoration believes you should be aware of that come along with new carpeting:

It Will Shed 

New carpet sheds, usually for about the first year. You will find balls of fluff here and there in the air or balled up on the floor. This is normal and with regular vacuuming, it will minimize the amount of shedding. If you notice a tuft of carpet growing, use sharp scissors and cut it off. Do not pull the tuft!

Buckling, Rippling and Wrinkling 

When improperly installed, carpeting may buckle, ripple or wrinkle. Should you notice this, call the carpet installer immediately to have it corrected. They will most likely have a power stretcher come out to correct the problem. Before they leave, check the carpeting for any defects.


Normal wear and tear and foot traffic as well as heavy furniture will begin to crush carpet fibers and this is normal. Some grades of carpet will crush easier and quicker than others. Frequent vacuuming of the heavy traffic areas will help keep it fluffed up and on a regular basis, move the heavy furniture just a few inches. You can also purchase froth blocks and protecting tabs.

Loss of Color 

The sunlight and cleaning chemicals will eventual fade or yellow carpeting. Avoid using harsh chemicals and use window shades to minimize the sunlight will keep your carpet looking bright and vibrant.

Marks and Stains 

No matter how careful you may be, what type of protectant you use, stains can happen. To keep your carpet in good condition, stains should be treated immediately. Services of a professional carpet cleaning service such American Cleaning & Restoration are always your best bet when the stain is deep as well as regular cleaning.

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